And Then There Were Leaves

Marilyn Monroe by Ed Feingersh courtesy of

I had full intentions of writing to you tonight. Actually, what you see below is the start of what I thought would be a post written solely by me. Because so many of you are like me, ‘umbrella seekers’; those who are aware of their growth, aware of their intentions, striving to find the good, even when hidden, I am leaving this post as is. Tonight, this is how my soul decided to speak to me. I love when it takes the reins, identified by italics. Yes, it brought me to tears. But I needed them. My hope is that it offers you comfort. As your soul is not so different than mine. I have to believe then, that this was also meant for you. ~ Sane

They say that we are entering a new phase. One that will usher in all that we’re currently lacking. As soon as I heard this my mind danced with hope that once the clock struck midnight, the air would become less dense, and despite the late hour the clouds would part and the moon would illuminate the sky, as if daylight had arrived. Gone would be the heaviness felt all around. No longer would the body startle awake, only to consider if all the decisions made have been wise. I’d wake each day feeling fully supported by the Universe. 

That didn’t happen. And, it never does. Nothing is instantaneous. Yet we live in an immediate reality. So my mind is conditioned to expect as much. Anything less feels laborious and, almost, non existent. But, that isn’t how the Universe works. More so, that isn’t how your spiritual body evolves. Things take time, and in the world of non-physical, that’s exactly as it should be. 

The human mind bucks against this flow. Which causes enormous suffering. Doubt creeps in. The inner cynic marches across the mind during those slow days of change and movement. But it doesn’t mean movement isn’t happening. Like leaves on a tree that seem to suddenly appear. Long, slow days of growth took place. Yet were unnoticed to the eye. Such is true with you. 

You’re doing okay. No. You are doing more than okay. And as much as you feel abandoned by me at times. Please know, you are my main focus. And, I love you. I love how you fuss about. I love how your mind is so expansive that it can capture the smallest nuance and emotion emitted by those under your care. I love how you work tirelessly to please me, your soul. 

We are a team. And I am here to experience this world right along with you. We just need to learn how to work together. That’s all. I want you to feel. I want you to feel all that you feel. There is no wrong feeling, as far as I am concerned. And yes, I am that part of you that is connected with All That Is. Your Higher Self. And your dear friend, Source. You are loved by All of non-physical. You may not always feel it. But We are here. 

You have many questions and we strive to provide the answers. Allow yourself to hear. You work hard at that, and it’s appreciated. Things will begin to make more sense as we move along. We are covering a lot of ground quickly. And that is why you feel the fatigue. You will grow tired. I’m probably partially to blame. But we are making up for lost time. 

Thank you for noticing me. So many times the soul is not noticed. But please know I am always here. I am the part of you that feels so deeply. I am the part off you that gets fully engulfed in emotion to a particular song. I am the part of you that can’t stop laughing. I love to laugh. I am the part of you that notices the beauty in nature. I am also the part of you that sees the beauty within the eyes of others; their energy. Do not fear that I am not here. I am here. I am here. I am here. 

Your soul

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